Google Search Engine vs ChatGPT's New Upcoming Search Engine


Google Search Engine vs ChatGPT's New Upcoming Search Engine

OpenAI is getting ready to announce a new feature for its ChatGPT chatbot on Monday. This feature will let ChatGPT users search the internet and include the sources in the results. This is a big deal because it will make ChatGPT compete more with Google, the giant search engine. 

Many companies, both small startups and big tech companies, are trying to make money from the latest advancements in AI technology.

OpenAI's announcement comes just one day before Google is expected to share its plans for its own AI products at its yearly I/O developer conference. OpenAI started the generative AI boom with ChatGPT, but now it's facing pressure to expand its services as other companies release chatbots of their own. 

There have also been rumors for months that the Microsoft-backed OpenAI is planning to enter the search business.

According to reports, OpenAI has been trying hard to hire Google employees for a team working on this new search product. The company has even registered a website address for the service,, although the website doesn't work yet.

The new AI search tool will be built right into ChatGPT. It will get information directly from the internet and provide sources when answering user questions. Microsoft's Bing search engine will help power OpenAI's search tool, and some versions of the product may use images or diagrams along with text when responding to questions.

Google has been the top internet search engine for a long time. Its name is even used as a verb. But generative AI is about to change online search, offering users a new way to find information. 

Google has already started using AI in its search products and is expected to keep doing so. AI startups like Perplexity are also trying to challenge Google's dominance during this time of change.

Integrating ChatGPT more thoroughly with real-time information and sources from the web could help solve one of the main problems AI chatbots face when providing information: reliability. 

AI chatbots can sometimes give convincingly true but false information, called "hallucinations," that can be hard to fact-check without proper sources. Providing sources with the information can help make it more trustworthy.


As AI transforms online search, OpenAI's ChatGPT offers a dynamic future for accessing reliable information. By seamlessly integrating AI-powered search capabilities and sources directly into the chatbot interface, OpenAI is poised to reshape how users find and consume information on the web.